Hello everyone!

Welcome to the 5th and 6th class blog. Have a look to see what we get up to in school! Follow us as we share our learning experiences with you throughout the school year.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Food Dudes!

 We are very lucky to be availing of the dudes programme.
We receive a great selection of fruit and vegetables every day, ranging from raisins to peas, to apples and peppers. We get prizes if we give everything a try!


Science Club

Science club takes place every Thursday. Teacher Valerie does science experiments with children from 1st-4th class. Last week, we constructed houses made from spagetti and marshmallows. The aim was to make them strong enough to withstand us trying to blow them down. Well done to all the  little scientists, you did very well!

Students of the Week

Well Done to the girls in 5th and 6th class for being awarded with the Student of the Week Award! Well deserved!

Monday, 9 February 2015


 We learned about Georges Seurat and pointillism in art last week.


When we have serious brainstorming to do, teacher Valerie gets the wallpaper out. We write down all the words we associate with whatever topic we're learning about, which is currently Irish Aid and Malawi. Learning is so much more fun on the floor!

Our School Garden

 We were working hard last week planting trees for our new school garden. We are so excited about our new school and our new garden, lots of exciting changes are afoot in Kilcoskan!


Last week we were learning about positive relationships we have with people, including our friends. So, we took relfies! A relfie is a positive relationship selfie. We focused on the strong positive relationships we have in our classroom. Thanks Joseph for bringing in the selfie stick!

Grandparents' Day

Hello there everyone, thank you for stopping by our blog! We had our very first grandparents' day in Kilcoskan on Friday. We worked very diligently all week in preparation for this special day. We made invitations to send to our grandparents, we wrote beautiful acrostic poems, we tidied our classroom, made decorations, made cakes, and practiced our songs..a lot! We invited our grandparents to our classroom and we performed our poetry and songs. We had a questions and answers session, and our grandparent's told us lots of interesting facts about school long ago. We had a great day, and we would like to say a big thank you again to all the grandparents and parents who attended.

Us singing 'Three Little Birds'

tea time!
Our poetry

The pupils brought in delicious home-made baked goods!

what a feast!