Hello everyone!

Welcome to the 5th and 6th class blog. Have a look to see what we get up to in school! Follow us as we share our learning experiences with you throughout the school year.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Halloween 2015 in 5th and 6th Class

Hello everyone, and happy midterm! Everyone in fifth and sixth class have truly earned a week of rest and relaxation, and plenty of lie ins! I hope you all get loads of milseáins next weekend, and BE CAREFUL trick or treating! 
We had a very spooky week in our classroom!

Halloween art:

Playing musical monsters at our coisir!

Three of my trusty sixth class reviewing a new board game for my blog. The feedback was very positive!
Carving pumpkins:
Carving pumpkins! Each group got to do their own! (except for the carving part!)

Ghost stories in the Green Room

pumpkin pie!

He has taken up residence at my desk!
Our costumes:
What a costume!!

On the catwalk!

Well done to everyone for making such an effort with the costumes! They were so original and creative!

Wrap the Mummy:

Wrap the Mummy fun!

Halloween relay race:

The concentration! We had to go back to the start if we dropped any of the Halloween gore so we were being very careful!
Party game number four!
Get the ball in the Pumpkin! It's not as easy as it sounds!

Our lovely Irish Speaker of the Week!

Hufflepuff were the winners of the house points, being the first to get fifty points this week. Well done!
This is our whole school at the assembly. Don't we look spooktacular!

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Harvest Fair and Our Soldiers Visit

Friday was a tremendously exciting day for us. Not only did we have our much anticipated Harvest Fair, we also had a visit from two soldiers from the Irish Army! They spoke to us about 1916 and presented us with a flag and a copy of the proclamation. I think it was a day we will all remember fondly in years to come!