Hello everyone!

Welcome to the 5th and 6th class blog. Have a look to see what we get up to in school! Follow us as we share our learning experiences with you throughout the school year.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Week Five: Our New Class Pet, Blackberry Jam, Gardening and Maths!

Hello everyone, 
Another week is drawing to a close in Kilcoskan NS. Here's the latest hot gossip from our classroom!

We had a surprise waiting for us on Monday morning! Our goldfish, Tom and Jerry are the newest members of our classroom.

We are reviewing our operations chapter this week using Smyth's catalogues.

                                          We made jam using the blackberries we picked on Friday.

 We continued learning about plants and gardening with Gráinne:

Friday, 25 September 2015

Blackberry Picking, Finglas Blitz and Art!

Hello again! Here's some photos of our very fun Friday afternoon.
Some of our class were gone to the Finglas football blitz today, so we had only nine pupils in for most of the day. Well done to the girls and boys who took part in the blitz. The girls made it to the semi final which was an excellent result!

 We will be putting photos of ourselves in the frames we made today.

 Rhiann's three whiteboards! This craze has swept the classroom! We made one each in school and then some of us made loads more at home!
 Our Viking long ships ready to set sail..

 Love this ice-cream art!!

 We're free! We are so lucky to have our school in the countryside. This field is right beside our school! We got loads of blackberries! We will make jam on Monday.

Well done to the fifth class girls for making it to the semi-finals!

 And the boys!

Our student of the week and gaelgeoir na seachtaine.

Slytherin won the house points today-scoring fifty points since Monday! The boys were most pleased!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Week Four- Assembly, Finglas Garda Station and Sowing Seeds.

 Hello everyone!

We are motoring through yet another week here in our little blue classroom in Kilcoskan. We have been most assiduous and hardworking all week, as per usual!

We had our assembly last Friday. We all wore our Dublin colours in support of the match on Sunday.

 We presented our Vikings projects to the rest of the school:

We made Viking long ships from clay:

We announced our Student of the Week and Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine:

We designed word problems in maths


 Those who couldn't do cycling today made themselves comfortable on the sidelines:

Gráinne came in to our classroom and helped us sow seeds for flowers for our garden. We have them in trays at the back of the classroom for now, and the head gardeners will water them each day.

Last but certainly not least, we went to the Finglas Garda Station! It was so much fun!